Which causes the… Affected dog to suffer from itching, inflammation and pain, particularly when they need to go “potty”. Thank you. It was a little warm in the house even to me.She seems okay today. Is this normal? My dog doesn't have bowel movements after anal gland cleaning? They went back in shortly afterward. Our beloved Scottie, Rascal, was diagnosed with Cushing's 3 years ago at age 7, and has received excellent veterinary care and been under good control for much of that time. He no longer barks and seems unhappy and I am worried because of his age. Although a range of different breeds can be affected, including Irish setters, collies, Old English sheepdogs, Labradors, Bulldogs and spaniels, the German shepherd dog is highly predisposed. What shall I do? Nothing else looked unusal. My vet thinks it's pneumonia, but possibly distemper. His nail condition is now awful - they are soft and break easily. Hi. How long can pneumoia last? My dog is breathing heavy after being bitten by an ant, We have a question about our labrador retriever lethargic behavior. I am a small breeder of miniature schnauzers and for a while now the mommy dogs don't produce enough milk and they get oxtocyn shots for the first two days. It was a v shaped cut and bled a great deal, He had 4 or 5 stitches and the wound is healing at long last.Since the cut we have noticed that one of his middle "toes" is sticking up at an unusual angle and is rather floppy , not at all like his other ones. Are silicone baking liners dangerous for our cats and dogs? Perianal fistulas in dogs occur near the anal opening. Where can I buy calcium carbonate made from "egg shells" to add to my dogs home cooked meals for kidney failure? Additionally, many of these patients will require lifelong management and frequent visits to the veterinarian. Bile acids test was normal pre and very slightly (single digit) elevated post. Any ideas? It is possible to perform an elimination diet to determine what he is allergic to, but this is a long process. After monitoring, she was regulated with one injection a day. My dog is a four year old pit bull and just recently she has been coming inside with this foul smelling metallic odor. Should we also treat our dog? She had one of the three series of parvo vaccines. I fasted him for 12 hrs, then fed him chicken and rice. She also has yellow bile when she pukes. It often interferes with the quality of life of both dog and owner. I have called everywhere and can't find it! I have heard that if a dog pants while inside at rest he may be in pain or discomfort. No definite proof of myositis. In one study, 50% of the patients suffering from perianal fistulas also had a confirmed histopathologic diagnosis of colitis. How can I get them out? thanks! What treatments could help? Antibiotics finally worked (after a previous vet had just prescribed antacids). If it is cancer, how long after the tumor appears should it be before she starts "going down hill"? Potential complications for a dog that survived distemper? Male intact (unneutered) dogs tend to be overrepresented. Can these come from him? My dog recently gave birth to six pups and since then I've noticed that she's been breathing real hard, even after three days. What else might these symptoms reflect? The cyst burst and drained. Is the condition of her fur any indication? The emergency vet had no idea if this was toxic. Also, she is scratching/itching in several areas. I just found out that a friends birds died from using silicone liners in the oven. This has never happened before. My dog turned 1 on March 30, 2010. He has heart problems and because of his age and stress, I don't really want to put him through it. I am looking for advice to help with his general care. She whines a lot. He doesn't seem to be severely distressed. Lavender essential oil. My 11 month old black lab ate an "energy smart" light bulb this morning. One day I can see all her ribs so I get her to gain about 5 pounds and a week later I can see all her ribs again should I worry? No indications of displasia. We left on a Thurs nite returned Monday evening. The vet has also mentioned that her urine is dilute. Does he pant because he is too hot? I tried wiping her whole body with a wet cloth thinking it might be the heat again that's causing her distress. I found my dog wandering the streets five years ago near a grade school. Can either be dangerous to my little dog. Any feedback would help. Would you happen to know why or what is causing this? He is about 190pd's and is in good conditions - However this weekend at the lake he had his first seizure Saturday Night- We live in NV and was told by the vet is was related to the heat, stress and drinking the lake water which is high in mercury. Are silicone baking liners dangerous to cats and dogs? Patients with fistula should follow a diet designed to soften the stools to reduce straining while defaecation. The term perianal describes the area around the anus. We are wondering if it could be some kind of reaction? Constantly licking his anal region. I would like to start making her food myself. Is this okay? My dog breath in a lot of peat moss. It seems counter intuitive to give a dog preventative treatment when he already tested positive. My bull mastiff has a cyst on his back that has started weeping watery blood, not huge amounts but I need to clean it daily. My L/H dachshund had a cyst on her tail for years. The diagnosis of perianal fistulas is typically made using a combination of the patient’s signalment (age, sex, and breed), history, clinical signs, and physical examination. dog boarded a week at veterinarian, returns home with a cough? What is the easiest treatment for a yeast infection in a dog-maltipoo? My dog is a 3 year old mixed breed (best guess Pit Bull/Blue Heeler) who was completely normal/healthy until she hit 2. We will do our best to ensure that information presented is accurate and up-to-date. It is best to avoid chicken, pork and beef as these are the most commonly problematic food allergens in dogs. I was wondering if there is anything else I can do besides neutering him. Perianial fistula is a health problem characterized by draining … Lavender essential oil is highly beneficial for the natural … We have a six month old English bulldog who had soft palate resection a little over two weeks ago. We have a dachshund age 1 year. Odor may be noted as may be straining to defecate. Interestingly, this stems from research done in humans, which has shown an association with Crohn’s disease and the development of perianal fistulas. Sabrina waged her tail and licked me and as I opened the car door she ran in to the back of the car and as I was driving she licked my face and the rest is history. and how can I tell for sure? He eats Purina puppy chow and is about to start the transformation to purina dog chow. I am at a loss with what to do. Dogs and cats are both susceptible to perianal fistulas. My 2 year old springer suffered a bad cut under his paw on a large piece of broken glass on our beach. Suddenly my chihuahua has started drooling excessively when he sleeps. What are the symptoms of dog heat stroke?