Boiling water is the cheapest and safest method of water purification. During the Middle Ages (500-1500 AD), water supply was no longer as sophisticated as before. It wasn't until around 1500 BC that the Egyptians created the water purif… Herbs were often used in well filtration, such as amla, which is high in vitamin C, and khus. This discovery led to governments starting to install municipal water filters (sand filters and chlorination), and hence the first government regulation of public water. Joan Reinbold is a writer, author of six books, blogs and makes videos. Water Purification Techniques in Ancient Indian Literature! The supernatant water was then filtered by a piece of cloth. 1688; Dated 3 … In 1903 water softening was invented as a technique for water desalination. 2. The text also recommends filtering water through sand and coarse gravel. There is evidence of ancient water purification methods dating back to 4000 B.C. Distillation also began to be used. The rate of settling of a particle in water depends on the viscosity and density of the water as well as the size, shape, and specific gravity of the particle. - Clearing nut (Strychnos potatorum = Thetraang Kottai in Tamil) Written by London swaminathanResearch Article No. In the ancient times, the water purification was carried out step by step. The Romans, Greeks and Mayans all used aqueducts to keep water pure. Subsequently, Dr. Fuller found that rapid sand filtration worked much better when it was preceded by coagulation and sedimentation techniques. The water screw formed the basis for many modern-day industrial pumps. Boiling is the simplest of all water purification methods. He attempted to remove salt particles by means of an unsophisticated form of sand filtration. He tried to remove salt from water using sand, and though he failed, he helped to restart interest in water filtration. It is a large screw inside a hollow pipe that pumps up water to higher land. In 1804 the first actual municipal water treatment plant designed by Robert Thom, was built in Scotland. Instead of slow sand filtration, rapid sand filtration was now applied. The main way of testing water purity was through its clearness, taste and odor. Even then, people knew that water could be purified with heat, and they practiced sand and gravel filtration, boiling, and straining. Additionally, people started installing home water filters and shower filters to prevent negative effects of chlorine in water. However, there is still cause to be worried. They also discussed filtering water using gravel and sand. To disinfect water, many ancient cultures would use copper, iron or hot sand in conjunction with boiling it. Advantages: Quick, … The general principle in the developed world now was that every person had the right to safe drinking water. Archimedes’ screw Archimedes was a Greek engineer that lived between 287 and 212 BC, and was responsible for many different inventions. Appropriate water treatment methods such as coagulation, filtration and boiling of water should be encouraged. In 1906 ozone was first applied as a disinfectant in France. By 2025… See Arsenic contamination of groundwater. and 1000 A.D., different natural minerals were used to purify water. In ancient Egypt, aluminum sulfate, iron sulfate or a mix of the two was used to extract suspended solids. Water experts started looking for alternative water disinfectants. Ancient water purification techniques were primarily based on traditional methods without involving any scientific analysis on the quality of water. The use of iron in removing arsenic from water.