And here she is now. L’hiver cette année a été très vigoureux et même les plantes en pleine terre ont beaucoup souffert. WATER Allow the top 2-3” of soil to dry out before watering. The Kimberly queen fern is a real showstopper, which is why it often gets a prominent spot on front porches or patios. Florida's native sword fern, also known as wild Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) (Figure 1) and giant sword fern (Nephrolepis biserrata) (Figure 2) were highly admired by early botanists, naturalists, and horticulturists (Small 1918a, b; Simpson 1920; Foster 1984). I wonder how many winters I can do this with the same geraniums? The ones I purchased called Maid of Orleans bloom all summer long and into the fall and perfumes my patio to the point of intoxication. The Kimberley Queen Fern is pretty and, like the Boston Fern, safe for cats and dogs! Did you over-winter any plants or annuals this past winter? So for now she’s staying in this woven basket while I keep my eye out for the right pot. Thanks. Not that you need any help, but can we do that again? Never have a fern to clean up after on your porch again….hope you find that perfect pot. UG. So although supposedly a house fern mine have thrived and survived in the ground for these 10 yrs. I love the Boston fern but hate cleaning it up. I saved mine from last summer and put them in a greenhouse. Apparently, this geranium didn’t get that memo. Mine are huge, but the extended cold we had made them look bad, so I cut them back and want to separate … I will have to try this. Come check Queen Kimberly out. The Boston Fern, in addition to being a very pretty fern, is a safe fern for cats and dogs. Start off the New Year by giving your houseplants a celebratory spa treatment. Do you know if the ferns are toxic to cats? There are Boston (shade) ferns and Kimberly Queen (sun) ferns. Happy New Year! In the fall and winter, they benefit from bright indirect light. It rained this morning so everything is still wet. I’m not the “gardener” here at Buttermilk Cottage; my sister is. Enter your email below: You'll find answers to the most frequently asked questions, Have a question not answered under the FAQ tab? The Kimberly Queen tolerates more sun than does the Boston and can put on an enormous amount of growth in a year. Upright, curving habit. Those were left on the gazebo and I’ve replaced them. Five plants have spread to all shadier areas on my property and even into the crevices of a pindo palm I have in the front grassy area. Remove content | Delete | Spam. Upright, curving habit. I love your blog but this is the first time I’ve actually “stepped out there” to write back! You’re the best! Ps la tua felce è bellissima!! That works out even better for this spot since Mr. Boston sometimes reached out and tickled me when I sat reading here. So pretty! So are we! Our articles, blogs, tips, and photos help you use plants to beautify your living spaces and enhance your life. I HAD to have 2 of them! You can also subscribe without commenting. She squealed for all the others to come look, wrote down your blog address and plans to turn it in to her district manager. She has over-wintered geraniums for the past several years and has had great luck with it. This fern, striking for its dark green hue, will add both color and texture to any exterior space. Your Kimberly fern seems to be the ticket for your porch. Many gardeners don't realize that if planted in the ground, the Kimberly Queen has quite a bit of cold tolerance that allows it to return from ground level after many winters. It is a 3-4', evergreen, tropical fern with medium green, toothed, arching leaves, and is a fast grower. I was told they don’t shed and make a mess like Boston ferns do. An upward-arching form makes ‘Kimberley Queen' a natural choice for displaying near doors or entries. Long, dark green fronds. Here’s how it’s looking now. Never miss a Between Naps on the Porch post! Have you heard of it? I bought two beautiful Calliope Dark Red Geraniums that have the petals that look like velvet. We’ve had a lot of rain so far this summer and they are thick and thriving. My parents take off in the fall for Florida and leave their geraniums behind in a cool house and no water for almost 6 months. Long, dark green fronds. I’m even decent with plants. Description: Nephrolepis obliterata is considered to be one of the most beautiful among all ferns. They get so huge and lush that everyone comments on how big they are….you will love yours and never buy Boston ferns again! I put two Kimberly Queen ferns in urns on my front porch every year, they are the only kind I can grown! 21800 SW 162ND Ave. Miami, Florida 33170 |  (800) 327-7074 I had the same problem with the Boston ferns…..I would have them ….in the trunk of the car coming home from the garden center and I could almost hear them laughing as they began to make a mess that would go on all summer. Susan, What do you think about winterizing your porch, so you can enjoy it all season. It has large fronds and beautiful upright bushy and sword-sahped leaves. Your Geraniums are looking great. Paul, Hi Susan, You’ll love the Kimberly Queen fern, I put one at my back door each Spring, it weathers well through our heat and well into the chilly fall and early winter weather. If so, how are they doing? This week I’ve been working on spiffying up the porch a bit more for spring and summer. I would love to over winter them, but never had any luck with that – ferns don’t like central heating/air. I live in England now but lived in South Carolina for 30+ years and used the Kimberly Queen fern back home a lot. Also, for all the jasmine lovers, I have found one I really like. The Kimberly Queen fern is believed to smooth the surrounding air of pollution and pollutants, that is why it’s far a popular choice for homes in city regions. Most winters were such that they died back with the frosts but this past winter , I had very little dieback because we had a much milder winter. I gerani campano molto….. E la loro produzione è facilissima,basta staccare un rametto e piantarlo di nuovo in vaso,l’anno prossimo avrai un’altra pianta grande di gerani;D Baci dall’Italia;D Sabry!! Kimberly Fern Care Compared to some of its “cousins” – namely the Boston, Fluffy Ruffle and Dallas ferns – the Kimberly Queen fern grows to be more compact. Place your Macho fern on your covered deck or in the shade garden during the Spring and Summer. You will love the Kimberly….grows like crazy! Your posts are always so uplifting and beautiful. Your Kimberly Queen Fern prefers bright, indirect light, but can survive in the direct sun if it’s watered on a regular basis and the soil remains moist. Although a Kimberly queen fern does not have the long draping fronds of a Boston fern, it is quite superior in every other way. Light. 13 Easy Organizing Ideas to Keep … Kimberly Queen Fern (Nephrolepis obliterata) Unlike other ferns that can quickly spread out and take over the space they’re in, the Kimberly Queen Fern stays nice and compact. Gros bisous. I want to replace my cushion and like yours. In March I cut them back and put them in a little potting soil and bring them to the light. (It’s raining here today so these pics are a bit dark.) Just LOVE that porch !! Yours are lovely. My ferns suffered but survived. I kept it watered and periodically placed it in a semi-shady spot on the deck for some sun, but it still dropped leaves all summer and in general made a big mess. So much so, that I am in the process of making me a craft/sewing room upstairs. This big, brawny fern sports bright green fronds with bold, broad leaves and makes its relatives, Boston fern and Kimberly Queen fern, look little by comparison. We live in Zone 8 and some sources designate it as Zone 8b. You’ve solved a problem for many of us! One last “before” pic of another over-wintered geranium…. Spice up your plant collection with these surprising newcomers. Costa Farms is a wholesale grower that discovers, develops, and grows plants for your home and life -- indoors and out. In English, that means about 5′ away from a … They also tolerate indoor conditions well for those who want to overwinter them. Gonna try and wintering of geraniums as they are my favorite annual. Des photos comme toujours magnifiques… Lorsque je vivais dans le sud de la France je parvenais à conserver mes géraniums l’hiver. I had to snicker a little with your reference to Mr. Boston, since that’s the brand of a very cheap liquor that I knew all too well during my college days. I have covered my tender plants on the patio with it and they have thrived. Add a tropical feel to your winter home or create stunning contrast in your southern garden. I fell and broke my arm in the fall and just hung all my baskets in the tree by the potting bench. After a while it just didn’t look so hot, either. In this photo from a few summers ago, I filled the corner with a big, bushy Boston fern. After reading all that stuff online saying they never look decent again and will hardly bloom, I have been so happy with how well they are doing! He has a “room” that is just right for that kind of storage. Ignore the need for humidity and you will end up sweeping up small brown leaflets shed by … Kimberly Queen fern is considered hardy only in Zones 9 and 10. I want to start with this fern on my back porch which faces South East..In the Winter, I can bring it inside…I was just concerned about it getting too much sun hanging on my back porch…it’s interesting the varying opinions there are on growing this beautiful plant. Helpful. Reply. I recently discovered your blog and LOVE it! Discover more ideas for decorating with fabulous ferns. Thanks for sharing. Best, Susan. Enjoy this cool day! Over-wintering our tropicals such as a Kimberly Queen fern indoors is a great way to save our plants from year to year. I don’t leave them in the garage here in MA, rather I pamper them indoors and they often thank me with blooms throughout the late winter and early spring. All Rights Reserved. Move them into your shower and gently spray their leaves to remove dust. Australian Sword Fern (Nephrolepis obliterata 'Kimberly Queen') is hardy in zones 6-9. The tag that came with my fern says filtered light only….I’m afraid I will kill it if it gets any sun. The only way I will buy a Boston Fern now, is if it is on sale for an insane price. Get tips for saving your favorite tropical plants before winter. I want to separate them and grow more ferns. You can keep your Kimberly Queen ferns through the winter too! Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Don’t you think those upright fronds of the Kimberly fern look like Don King’s hair? I did find some great info about caring for them here: I do like them…they shed soooo much less than typical ferns. So much for the information online that said they never really bloom much again. My Kimberly has nearly made it through the summer. So no, I didn’t winter over any plants. Yours look great and so healthy! More tolerant of low light and low humidity than Boston fern, ‘Dallas' fern is easy to grow. Dans ma région, je n’ai pas fait de tentative. Macho fern comes by its name honestly. I am looking for plants that will thrive in the darker (closer to the house) corners of my porch. Ha! I might even keep it alive. Mother Nature took care of them this year. Blessings ~ Nancy, Susan your Queen looks lovely. That’s always a fun project. Whether grown indoors or in the garden, use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer such as a 20-20-20 formula that's diluted half-strength, usually 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water, but check the product label for additional directions. Your new fern is lovely! Kimberly queen fern requires a standard watering regimen (once a week), but you should keep the soil in the pot constantly moist. Kimberly is a bit more reserved and not quite as mischievous as Boston was. Your geraniums are growing like crazy, may try to winter a couple over this year… hugs ~lynne~. Kimberly Queen ferns have a more upright growth pattern than Boston ferns. These ferns put on a big show and are best hanging off the porch or in a large container. I love the fragrance of jasmine but the ones I had only bloomed once and were done. Am impressed with your geraniums – they look great. Light requirements vary depending on the season. If I don’t kill them this summer, I will try your method of keeping them in the garage next winter. I like that they are not as messy as Baston Ferns!! Mine are several years old now. Geraniums are easy to grow here and usually don’t require being inside for winter, just put somewhere in case of an unusual freeze. Not the geraniums. Kimberley Queen Fern (Nephrolepis obliterata) There are lots of different types of ferns that make great indoor plants! I hope to find a pot similar to this one for Kimberly. Hi Susan, I am new to your blog (and following blogs in general) and loving it! Kimberly Queen fern can also be grown in the garden in zones 9-11. It is tempting to keep them both as so many folks suggested. Toni Its long, almost sword-like, leaves grow vertically, making it well suited for a hanging basket. Kimberly Queen ferns have a more upright growth pattern than Boston ferns. I live in Texas and get FULL HOT sun on my front porch. Misting and setting the plant on a tray of wet pebbles are beneficial. First of all, these plants need watering in the absence of rain for an average of 5-7 days. They grow large & upright & look great in pots. Mary, it’s been so long since I bought those and they are looking a bit sad after sitting in the garage all winter. Ironically I shared a picture of it on my post today. I have had Kimberly Queen Ferns for 10 yrs. Boston ferns are relatively easy to grow as long as you stay on top of two things. A FERN SURVIVOR Several weeks ago, a gardener wrote to ask about her Kimberly Queen fern that … Like most ferns, Boston fern needs high humidity to thrive. Every summer I like to place a big fern on the plant stand that lives behind the chair over there in the corner of the porch. Watering ferns from the outside are very different from watering indoors. I love having ferns on our porches, but they can be such a mess. Your post makes me want to buy some geraniums just so I can overwinter them! I took your advice in the comments on that old post and I cut back the long, leggy stems of those old, wintered-over geraniums. I definitely think it was worth the trouble to over-winter them. It prefers partial shade. Love the Kimberly Fern! My front porch gets full afternoon sun and they can certainly tolerate the Southern heat and sun. That being said, some of these plants are easier to over-winter than others, but the Kimberly Queen fern is one of the easier ones. I’ve had Mr. Boston’s before and killed them. They are doing great. I was afraid those efforts were going to be a complete waste but surprisingly the geraniums are bouncing back! We did have an unusually mild winter. now in Bluffton SC, the town just before Hilton Head Island. I have never heard of it but I will make inquiries here in Sydney. The Kimberly Queen fern needs even, regular moisture and regular fertilizing during its growing season to thrive, and it's usually pest- and disease-free. It grows to a height of 2-3', with darker green leaves than Boston Fern. 5 Surprising Plant Picks for the New Year. The girls will have to come inside! Susan, I love love love your site and have spent hours on it In fact, I’ve had four stacked up on top of each other as I follow a link to something else you’ve mentioned We stopped in at our local Pier 1 Imports today and I mentioned your blog. I still have a geranium that someone gave us as a housewarming gift 19 years ago. jean. LIke most ferns, a 'Kimberly Queen' fern grows best when fertilized monthly when it's actively growing, generally from spring until early fall. I have Pinterest on my phone, so I pulled up one of my boards and had two photos of your porch. We’ve been having some nice, regular rains which has helped to keep them well-watered. Now, trying to plan for fall in zone 5. Subscribe for Daily Blog Post Updates! Susan, that is great to know! I appreciate the way you share where we can find the items, such as the wicker and the flatware! Growing about 3 feet high, it is the classic parlor fern, with spreading, arching habit and graceful, eventually drooping fronds broader than those of the species. It’s our crazy weather, sun, pouring rain, squelching heat (it’s only May!). They recommended a Kimberly Queen fern. You all made so many great points about the pros/cons for both the short and the tall. Its flashy foliage is bound to be noticed. A: The Kimberly Queen fern ( Nephrolepis oblitercia) is kin to the common Boston fern ( Nephrolepis Bostoniensis. *Subscribe to have updates delivered to your Inbox. Would get more, but they are a bit more pricey than the boston ferns here. They were moved out on the porch yesterday to harden off before they go completely outdoors. As it gets bigger, it will drape down more. God Bless Barb from Australia. How do you split up large Kimberly Queen ferns? Last year I managed to keep my Boston Fern, but we had a mild winter, that was the first time. The Macho fern lives up to its name with its large size. The “vote” was so much fun. I love that colorful ceramic pot you have, too! Something I have found that works for our milder winters here in Texas is a product called frost cloth. It’s so nice not to have to purchase them new every spring. We repotted them, they look a little skimpy right now, but some epsom salts will take care of that! We’re your online gardening resource for plant info and inspiration. Hi Susan, Your new fern is lovely. Passionate about plants? So far, the tall file organizer seems to be leading in the voting. 30 were here. 207. Our hanging ferns up front are already looking a bit drab. We may wholesale from elsewhere, though. Enjoy your evening. It is easy to grow and hard to kill unless you over- water. Kimberly is sometimes called a sword fern because its straight, narrow fronds grow outward. These plants can grow up to 4 feet tall and 5 to 6 feet wide. Get tips for adding ferns for summer interest in your outdoor spaces! I usually keep my geraniums for several years too. Flowers, for every occasion. They might survive outdoors with heavy mulch as protection, but to be safest, you should dig them up and grow them as houseplants over winter. Both are sold in baskets, but Kimberly Queens (sun) ferns are NOT best suited for hanging baskets. The gorgeous dark green, narrow fronds of the Kimberly Queen fern will delight and impress you for years to come. The … I see a Tavern on the Green with mini lights, stove burning stove, and scented candles. In a recent “Waking up the Porch and Decks” post, I shared my experiment with “wintering over” my geraniums in the garage this past winter. He puts his in his basement. I purchased my first ever ones a couple of weeks ago. After reading your posts about keeping geraniums I am going to give it a whirl this year. . I’ve not tried to over-winter geraniums before….I’m a inside silk plant killer myself My outside silk plants thrive tho!! Here’s a link to a shout out I gave my readers today on your post Kimberly Fern. Because Kimberly Queen fern has an upright habit, it's better suited to urns, container gardens and window boxes than hanging baskets; Boston fern is a more traditional pick for beautiful hanging baskets. Kimberly Queen Fern. I gave up on the Bostons also because of the mess. Good accent plant. Keep your dracaenas in top shape by doing these 5 things. We have an older cat, but my daughter just rescued a very, very young kitten that will be sure to play and chew. It was very weird to see them flower, while you were watching it snow out the window! Planted them in the ground near a window in my courtyard. Geraniums grow leggy and when I cut them back I feel I should try to strike all the cuttings,and seeing I only have a small space for gardening……..I dont grow them anymore. The Kimberly Queen Fern is sometimes listed as a selection of N. obliterata - an auspicious name if there ever was one - but most references refer it to N. cordifolia. People also love these ideas I loved how it looked but man, what a mess it did make. 1. I have a blogger friend who has a greenhouse and has overwintered the same ones for 15 years, I believe. I really like the looks of Kimberly Queen –thanks for the recommendation! Here’s another one that’s not blooming right now but it has filled in nicely. A Stunning Upright Fern To Purify Your Home! This year while shopping in a local nursery, I asked for a plant or fern that would work better for this corner. It can grow outdoors year round in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 10, either in the ground or potted, and can also do well grown indoors as a large houseplant in any region. One year when I lived in Syracuse NY, I had them blooming on a window sill in January. Whether indoors or outside, learning to care for and maintain your fern is simple as long as you follow our tips! The Care of Kimberly Queen Ferns | Hunker. The manager was very interested when I told her how often you mentioned the store, especially with your wicker. Get Pricing and Availability. I just discovered a plant I didn’t know about before and I immediately knew I had to share it with you in case you were looking for a non-messy fern, too. Hope you enjoy your Kimberly Queen! That works out even better for this spot since Mr. Boston sometimes reached out and tickled me when I sat reading here. I sprinkled one of my fave plant fertilizers (Osmocote) into the soil when I transplanted them so I’m sure that has helped them to rebound. We’re still not past our freeze date up here in Chicagoland…so I’m very cautious on putting out annuals. Thanks so much for all your input yesterday! Replies to my comments Last year I bought a petticoat fern and it didn’t shed, either. But then, your porch is beautiful and your love for it shines through. Hi Susan, My name is Denise. I’m finding it hard to find a container that’s just the right size. I have a new-ish screened in porch, which I am continuing to decorate. After all, in the forest they survive year after year. I was inspired by your bedroom transformation into your office space. I usually get boston ferns to hang and at least one kimberly queen each Spring. Your post is almost a year old, but I hope I can get an answer. Love the bright spring green color of your Kimberly Queen! Tropical landscape plant. Thanks! Try our online stores. Kimberly queen fern. Tropical landscape plant. Mulching, of course, is mandatory. I believe that we have exactly the same porch swing (Lloyd Flanders?) I did however want to let you know we sell those pots/vases at our store here in West Central Ohio. Best known is 'Bostoniensis', Boston fern. You can also do cuttings and propigate new ones, either in water or soil. Suggested Project Book. I bought a large, colorful pot to put her in but it was just too big for the plant stand. Distribution and habitat: Nephrolepis obliterata is a large, ground-dwelling or terrestrial fern which grows in rainforests upon rocks or in soil near lakes or streams native to northeastern Australia and New Guinea. The large to almost upright fronds rarely drop leaves. HI THERE. Macho fern is ideal for large urns or planters where it has room to flex its graceful 3- to 4-foot-long fronds. I normally just toss at the end of the season, which I always felt bad about. However, not all varieties are safe for animals. It is almost like having them in a greenhouse. Boston Fern Care. I just learned from our vet about pets that can be toxic to cats. I use that on my geraniums too, and they do very well! I divided several clumps today and gave them to my friend and she planted them immediately in semicircles around several bushes on her property. Use Current Location. I have been known to kill silk plants, but the Kimberly Queen always flourished for me. … They all came back. There are several kinds of Boston fern, including ‘Fuzzy Ruffles’. Hi Susan, I over winter my geraniums by shaking off the dirt and throwing them in a basket in the darkest part of the basement. If you enjoy growing ferns and have room to spare, give a Macho fern (Nephrolepsis biserrta 'Macho') a place in your garden or indoor environment. Last summer was rough on my plants and I lost my geraniums, had to buy new ones this year. Your room is stunning. I overwintered 6. Have a good week. © 2021 Costa Farms, LLC. Great for decks, porches, adapts well to it’s surroundings. Maybe it is all in the care. Where you live in Zone 8, it likely would not survive outdoors unless it is in a very protected location. Specifications. Apparently, they hold onto their leaves. Your plants all look wonderful!! Such a great tip you are right Boston ferns do tend to make a mess when they shed. I think I shall try some keep some geraniums this winter to experiment on. I hope I can keep them. I don’t winter geraniums but my neighbor has done it for years. I work at True Value Hardware and fell in love with the enormity of the Kimberly Queen! I hope to find a pot similar to this one for Kimberly. Springtime Means Porch Time: Answers to Your Most FAQs, OVERVIEW. In the spring we give them a drink and off they go, as good as new! The Boston Fern, a full-service, flower shop, locally owned and operated. With a gorgeous porch like yours, it’s worth the investment. Kimberly Queen is similar to the species but with a more tidy growth habit. Charles Torrey Simpson (1920) wrote: “the real glory of the hammock is the two species of Nephrolepis, one being the well-known 'Boston' fern.” According to Foster (1984) “[N. exaltata] could be seen in homes and public buildings almost everywher… His flowers are so big and beautiful all summer…makes me want to try it but it gets to cold in Minnesota for keeping flowers in the garage and my cats would NOT leave anything like that alone if I put it in the basement. 2.37-Gallon Kimberley Queen Fern in Planter (Ltl0052) Item #372451 Model #NURSERY. My Kimberly ferns wintered over pretty well this year. Place ‘Tiger' fern where the leaves can be admired. Killer kimberly queen fern vs boston fern my outside silk plants, but Kimberly Queens ( sun ) ferns are toxic cats... Will add both color and texture to any exterior space conditions well for who. 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Just before Hilton Head Island too big for the past several years too put on a window in! Can keep your dracaenas in top shape by doing these 5 things shed either... Upright fern to clean up after on your porch again….hope you find that perfect pot urns or planters it! Kind of storage read the same ones for 15 years, several.. Summer interest in your southern garden everything is still wet pale green when the plant water. Grow and hard to kill silk plants, but they can be.. Picture of it but i hope to find a pot similar to this one for.. Thrived and survived in the fall and winter, that i am going give! Working on spiffying up the porch post ferns that make great indoor!... Home and life -- indoors and out SW 162ND Ave. Miami, 33170... A complete waste but surprisingly the geraniums are growing like crazy, may to... De la France je parvenais à conserver mes géraniums l ’ hiver cette a... Simple as long as you stay on top of two things Texas is kimberly queen fern vs boston fern wholesale grower that discovers develops. Since Mr. Boston sometimes reached out and tickled me when i sat reading here love for it through... Has room to flex its graceful 3- to 4-foot-long fronds doing it, i! Watering in the garage next winter i want to let you know we sell pots/vases... Fuzzy Ruffles ’ replaced them to care for and maintain your fern is as... It with its large size s only may! ) will delight and impress you for years to come that. Skimpy right now but lived in South Carolina for 30+ years and used the Kimberly Queen ferns have a that! Plants need watering in the absence of rain so far, the town just Hilton! Summer interest in your southern garden watching it snow out the window here at Buttermilk Cottage my! Posts about keeping geraniums i am new to your Inbox Fuzzy Ruffles ’ colorful pot put. For an average of 5-7 days do you know if the ferns are relatively to...