Read More. This system owes its current form to the Arabs as they saved the Greek literature and rendered it to the Arabs and also enriched this system with their own contributions by making extensive use of their knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Pathology, Surgery, and Therapeutics. The vast materia medica, from herbal and animal to mineral sources, as described in ancient Unani textbooks, is sometimes so vague that authenticity must be established by modern pharma-cognostic assessments (by means of a basic, descriptive pharmacology) before medicines can be put to use. 5. Socioeconomic, geographic, and environmental factors are considered secondary factors (asbab-e-ghair-zarooriah) in the Unani system and therefore indirectly influence tabiyat. The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India, Dept. Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (India), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. Some of these products may be harmful if used improperly or without the direction of a trained practitioner. Unani therapy also pose some restrictions on diet during the treatment. It believes that any illness is a product of the following factors: Based on the interaction between these factors, the nature and the cause of illness are determined and an appropriate treatment plan is devised. Within a few short centuries after its birth, the Islamic world had expanded to stretch from the Atlantic ocean in the west to the Indian ocean in the east, from Moorish Spain to the plains of Hindustan. It is the natural power that is released during the process of metabolism and reproduction. India, today, is one of the leading countries having the largest number of Unani educational, healthcare and research institutions. The human body is composed of four elements, which are air, earth, water and fire, each of these having its own temperament. The Unani arrangement of drug; in some cases alluded to as Greeco-Arab pharmaceutical or Unani Tibb; depends on Greek rationality. It considers maintaining the sleep and wakefulness cycle essential for good health. Unani pharmacotherapy (the medicines prescribed) uses naturally occurring medicines, mostly herbs and those of animal origin and minerals. According to Unani medicine, the assimilation of food and liquid facilitates the elimination from the body of excessive and noxious substances. The system emphasizes the need for well-ventilated houses. It believes that the human body is made of seven components including ARKAN (Elements), MIZAJ (Temperament), AKHLAT (Humors), AAZA (Organs), ARWAH (Spirits), QUWA (Faculties), and AFAAL (Functions). This transformation proved that Greek Medicine was flexible, resilient and adaptable enough to absorb and incorporate new developments and influences. Unani medicines are used singly or are compounded with other substances to achieve synergistic, antagonistic, or detoxifying effects or simply as bases for effective ingestion and assimilation. Having gained recognition from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1976, the Unani system became increasingly accepted internationally as a system of traditional medicine. Unani medicine was the first to establish that disease was a natural process and that symptoms were the reactions of the body to the disease. Qurs is a solid form of Unani medication. By using, reading or accessing any page on this website, you agree that you have read, understood and will abide by the Disclaimer, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. The foods are categorized as laxative, diuretic or diaphoretic and these properties are used for the treatment of diseases. It prescribes diet, drinks, drugs, and some other regiments such as the code of conduct that is favorable for the maintenance and promotion of health for the prevention and treatment of diseases. It keeps the life running in the cells and tissues. ISBN 81-7436-052-2. Power of the drug used in unani system depends on the degree of the disease. Humors are the fluid or moist components of the body that are produced after metabolism and the transformation of 4 elements. Although a complete system of treatment, the Unani system, similar to other systems of medicine, has drawbacks in terms of application and effectiveness. He wrote a five volume treatise called The Canon of Medicine, which became a standard textbook in European medical schools. However, this is an ideal state of a human body, which does not exist. It is also released by the other tissue of the body in small amounts. In the process, Greek Medicine was “Islamicized” into Unani-Tibb, or Greco-Arabic Medicine. “Unani medicine is a system of alternative medicine that originated in ancient Greece but is now practiced primarily in India. Unani-Tibb is a traditional system of medicine based on the teachings of Hippocrates (known as the Father of Western medicine), Galen (1st century prominent Greek physician and surgeon) and Ibn Sina (Avicenna – regarded as one of the most significant thinkers and writers in medicine and author of the most comprehensive medical text written – The Canon of Medicine). If this proves inadequate, then other means, such as treatment with natural medicines, may be recommended. He has successfully treated thousands of patients with Ayurveda (including Herbal Ayurvedic Medicine and Ayurvedic Diet). The theoretical framework of Unani Medicine was introduced by Greek physician Hippocrates (460 – 377 BC), then enriched by Galen (131 – 210 AD), Rhazes (850 – 925 AD) and Avicenna (980 – 1037 AD). It is located in the brain and responsible for the motor and perceptive abilities of a person. Unani medicine focuses on the four humors of the human body (blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm) and the cause of diseases is caused by the inequality of all the four humors. Unani Medicine (Unani-tibb) also spelled as Yunani Medicine, is the other form of medicine. It was introduced in this country by the Persians and Arabs around the eleventh century. Unani medicine is ancient Greek medicine that has evolved within the Muslim world for the past 13 centuries. Today, the Indian government supports and subsidizes both Ayurvedic and Unani medical colleges and hospitals. The unani medicine is based on humoral theory. 4. Unani System of Medicine describes the man to be made up of the following seven factors:. The humors perform various functions in the body such as maintaining the nutrition, promoting growth and repair and producing energy, all of which allow for the preservation of the health of an individual. Hence, it is considered the source of energy and vitality for the body. It uses only the natural ingredients for preparing medicines as they are easily available in the local regions and safe for the human body. It is the vital power that is responsible for the survival of life. The other conventional means of examination of a patient such as inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation are also used for the purpose of diagnosis. The goal of Unani Medicine is to achieve the healthy state of individual by balancing these four humours in the body. Any Unani treatment prescribed by a hakim acts as an outside agent to help boost the patient’s tabiyat and thus restore good health and a sense of well-being. Unani medicines are made from natural substances like plant products. What are the health issues for which you can use Unani supplements? Unani Medicine is based on the Greece philosophy according to which, human body is made up of the four categories of elements i.e. Unani-Tibb (also known as Unani Medicine or Tibb) is a system of medicine based on the teachings of Hippocrates and Galen, subsequently developed into a comprehensive healthcare system by Arabic physicians, especially Ibn Sina (aka Avicenna). The system has a series of elements (arkan) and their qualities as the foundation for explaining life, health and diseases, namely, air, fire, water and earth. The diagnosis involves determining the causes of disease, which can be achieved by the Pulse (NABZ) reading and the examination of stool and urine. What is Unani medicine made of? The Unani system gives high importance to the temperament of the individual while treating any disease. In Unani medicine, conditions are often treated with herbal formulas containing a variety of natural substances. Unani was founded in Greece between 460 and 370 BC. These Unani remedies are available in different forms, such as powder, syrup, tablets for asthma patients, etc.Unani medicine made for treating asthma works as per their temperament. It emphasizes the need for keeping water, air, and food free from impurities or pollutants. It was the ancient rulers in the north India who provided patronage to the experts of Unani System and enrolled some scholars as court physicians to help this system develop in the country. It is a form of a detoxification therapy. He wrote a vast medical encyclopedia called Continens, with many excerpts from Hindu and Greek medical sources. Unani Medicine is an ancient system of medicine that is believed to have originated in the Perso-Arabic regions dating back almost 5000 years. Unani has originated from Greece, and it is practiced in India more commonly. Their balance leads to good health whereas imbalance leads to illness. As the Unani practitioners were not given the status of a doctor, most of them resorted to practicing allopathic medicines and this has also retarded the growth of this science. It enables the organs to recognize and accept the effects of psychic power. Unani medicine recognizes six physical, or external, factors, called asbab-e-sittah-zarooriah, which are essential in establishing a synchronized biological rhythm and thus living a balanced existence. The Unani Medicine system is based on the principle of the four-humor concept of Hippocrates. Exercises help to stimulate the growth of muscles and ensure optimum nutrition. The benefits of Unani medicine made it popular as a remedy for various ailments. However, both the primary and the secondary factors must be closely considered in the Unani process of treatment. You can read my answer to a similar question for details: answer to What are the uses of Unani medicine? Like Ayurveda, Unani system is also based on the theory of presence of the elements in the human body. Unani medicines have been consistent in the treatment of chronic diseases like diabetes, asthma, arthritis etc. These are considered the life force and hence, are of prime importance for the diagnosis and treatment of any disease. Harkat-o-sakoon nafsaniah (mental work and rest), which emphasizes the simultaneous engagement of the human mind in numerous emotional and intellectual activities. Believing that it is only tabiyat that is engaged in actually curing a disease, Unani hakims hold that they only assist from “outside” by prescribing therapeutic relief. The Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), an undertaking of the Indian government, for instance, facilitated the translation of classical heritage, the organization of clinical trials, the improvement of drug standardization, and the investigation of toxicological and phyto-pharmacological properties of natural products that had long been used by hakims. Each hospital should have a separate wing for alternative medicine. The fire has a hot and dry temperament and water has the moist and cold temperament. He wrote a five volume treatise on medicine called Al-Culliyat (The Fundamentals), or Colliget. It was the ancient rulers in the north India who provided patronage to the experts of Unani System and enrolled some scholars as court physicians to help t… In the Unani system of medicine, tabiyat is an individual’s internal power or capacity to withstand or combat disease and to perform normal physiological functions. Relatively infrequent in modern Unani therapy is ilaj-bi-misla, or organotherapy, a mode of treatment that involves healing a diseased organ with the use of tissue extracts from the same organ of a healthy animal. It maintains the health of the heart and liver. Surgical interventions, or ilaj-bil-yad, are a last resort. In unani therapy drugs are used in raw form. It considers the entire personality of the patient including his physique, structure, make-up, reaction to the environmental factors, defense mechanism, and likes and dislikes. Some of the important techniques in the regimental therapy include: Food plays an important role in the treatment of Unani system. Find a practitioner using this modality. “Unani medicine is a system of alternative medicine that originated in ancient Greece but is now practiced primarily in India. Hence, according to the Unani system, health refers to the state of a human body in which all its functions are carried out in a normal way while the disease is the state in which one or more forms of the organs are abnormal or at fault. of India, 1987. Ayurvedic medicine uses a variety of products and practices. What does Unani mean? Best Regards, Solomon J. In addition, the use in Unani medicine of precious stones and minerals, the chief ingredients of many poly-formulations (medicines containing multiple ingredients), is expensive. Ayur Times is an initiative of his efforts to bring quality information on Indian Medicine with the highest level of relevancy and scientific evidence. Unani system of medicine stresses on the importance of prevention of diseases. It got fame during Mughal Empire in India and now famous among people in India, Pakistan, several parts of Central Asia and South Asia. in Medicinal Plants) is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Herbalist. These elements together and in different proportions are present in everything alive, or that exists. There are various therapeutic approaches available to the hakim. It is the Psychic or nervous power. The essential function of all those regimens is to remove impure blood or impurities from the body. The state of balance in four humours is called health and imbalanced state of these humours is called disease. Dirty water is considered a carrier of infective diseases. Special Plant-based Milk Recipe for Optimum Nutrition (with Equal Nutritional Value as Cow’s Milk). Around the time of the Crusades, the Islamic world produced a few very prominent and influential physicians and medical scholars. These humors are responsible for maintaining moisture in different organs and tissues and provide nutrition to the body through 4 stages of digestion as given below: According to the Unani Medicine, any disturbance in the equilibrium of these humors results in the initiation and progress of a disease. Under British rule, all forms of healing except conventional allopathic medicine were discouraged. Unani Medicine (also called TIBB E UNANI) is a traditional system of medicine originated in Greece, influenced by the ancient science of Ayurveda and became part of traditional Arabic and Islamic medicine. Meaning of Unani. This term is derived from the word ‘Tibb’ which means the knowledge of the state of a human body while in health and during the decline of health. The Hellenistic origin of this system is visible in the fact that it’s based on the classical theory of four humors. Unani Medicine (also called TIBB E UNANI) is a traditional system of medicine originated in Greece, influenced by the ancient science of Ayurveda and became part of traditional Arabic and Islamic medicine. Their practice generally is beyond the realm of the hakim’ expertise. The meaning of the term ‘Unani’ is medicines that are the symbol of a healthy life. Ilaj-Bi-Dawa, or pharmaco-therapy, is the use of medicines by Unani hakims. Unani medications are often processed by classical methods of preparation as originall described in Greco-Arabic medicine. The blood dominates in these humours and other humors depend on it. It considers that the temperament of every individual is unique to him or her. The medicines are classified into four classes based on their temperament. The temperament is based on or develops due to the interaction of the 5 elements. The body is composed of several organs. Unani Medicine: Comparisons and Contrasts with Other Health Care Systems. It is also prevalent in other parts of South Asia, Africa, and the Arab continent. It believes that a positive change in the environment can relieve the patients of many diseases. It presupposes the presence of four humors: blood, yellow bile, phlegm, and black bile in the body. The Unani System has an impressive and encouraging record in India. I made the following changes: Added archive https: ... Standardisation of single drugs of Unani medicine. Unani: the science of Graeco-Arabic medicine, by Jamil Ahmad, Hakim Ashhar Qadeer. Dr. Jagdev Singh (B.A.M.S., M. Sc. In India several institutions engaged in Unani teaching and research. What should be done to increase the acceptability of the system? The different forms of medications used in the Unani system include: Although the Unani Medicine is considered the pioneer in the field of surgery, its use is limited in this system. Unani Medicine includes the following types of treatment: Regimental therapy involves special technique and physical methods aimed at improving and stabilizing the constitution of the body. The structure and strength of his faculties. Their balance is health while disbalance is a disease.. Temperament (Mizāj): It is the general quality of man, drug etc. Ministry of AYUSH while examining the inspection report of CCIM team in terms of regulation 3 and 10 of the “Indian Medicine Central Council (Requirements of Minimum Standard for under-graduate Unani Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations, 2016”, provisions of the IMCC Act, 1970 relevant regulations made there under and as per approved Standard Operative Procedures … The trace of the medicine goes back to medieval history, especially during the times of the Sultanates and Mughal rulers wherein they used to have physicians who knew Unani treatment. Definition of Unani in the dictionary. 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