Additional commercial expertise was provided by Mr Lindsay Adler from CSIRO’s Business Development and Commercial group. One beneficial action that is dependent on indigestibility is its promotion of regularity as shown strikingly by CSIRO’s Dr Katrine Baghurst in her work in the Adelaide aged-care facility. In Australia rates of colorectal cancer are amongst the highest in the world and the incidence is rising, especially among younger age groups. Jozsa AJ, Rao P, Topping DL, 1998, PCT/AU98/00503 Health supplement. CSIRO has long been interested in barley as a grain with human health benefits. While the move to IPO is hoped to provide the incorporated entity with access to more finance, this will also transform the company yet again and change the ownership structure. How does it work? that’s how it started so they sent us some across, we analysed it not only did it contain a lot of resistant starch – the alterations in starch synthesis in the grain raised the level of total dietary fibre in the grain to levels found in fibre concentrates such as wheat bran. In manufacturing, barley is used as a food grain, natural sweetener, and as an ingredient for brewing beer and making alcoholic beverages. In contrast, amylose is a relatively compact linear polymer which does not gelatinize quickly but retrogrades rapidly forming resistant starch which is not digested in the small intestine. Super Greens 150 Capsules - Green Juice Superfood Supplement with 25 All Natural Amazing Ingredients. As expected it had a high level of resistant starch but it was also high in total dietary fibre, protein and lipid. Over time Popina Foods has built a reputation as a health food manufacturer that stocked to major retail players, such as Woolworths, Coles and Franklins. Prevention through diet and lifestyle change appears to be the best strategy for dealing with these diseases of affluence and increasing the consumption of dietary fibre is one of the key elements in the efforts to contain them. This unmeasured fibre was a form of starch which escaped small intestinal digestion and entered the large bowel where it was digested by the microflora. The interest in the health potential of dietary fibre comes largely from the pioneering work of a group of British medical officers working in colonial south and east Africa more than 50 years ago who were struck by the radically different health problems experienced by the native Africans and the Europeans living in the same environment. Beginning in the late 1990s CSIRO combined it’s knowledge of the importance of resistant starch in gut health with its expertise in developing new cereal grains with elevated resistant starch levels which could be used to modify existing foods without major changes in processing. CSIRO’s Division of Animal Nutrition had a major focus on developing and understanding the key factors which regulate this fermentation. Rich in Many Beneficial Nutrients. The outcomes of the clinical testing demonstrated that food products containing the BARLEYmaxTM grain had a low glycaemic index and promoted key indicators of bowel health, especially short chain fatty acid production. The BARLEYmaxTM UJV and Austgrains relationship was, as Austgrains Managing Director Warren Hannam pointed out a perfect fit. The grain is protected by a strong patent position plus plant breeders’ rights and the concept is now lodged in a spin-off company, BARLEYmax® Enterprises. WHAT YOU GET: (1) Barley Max NZ Food Supplement | Organic Barley Grass from New Zealand NET WEIGHT: 10 x 3g INGREDIENTS: Organic Barley (Hordeum Vulagare) Grass Powder With Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana) SERVINGS PER CONTAINER: (10 Servings) Fibre is not digestible by the human digestive system and it was thought that its beneficial actions depended solely on this indigestibility. BARLEYmax® is an acknowledged success which has had significant impact for the general community, the food industry and also for CSIRO. Australia needs practical, effective diet and lifestyle solutions that can help reduce the burden of these chronic diseases. Following the lengthy testing process, an EOI process resulted, in 2008, in the joint venture licensing Austgrains Pty Ltd to grow, produce and then distribute the BARLEYmaxTM grain in the initial markets to be targeted (Australia and New Zealand). It’s called Barley Max. It also led to discovery of the importance of these bacterial fermentation products (short chain fatty acids, particularly butyrate) in promoting gut health. Barley + contains the non-GMO BARLEYmax™ grain which has more of the 3 important fibre types together in 1 grain, developed by Australia’s leading scientific research organisation, the CSIRO. The challenges involved in maintaining Ascentia, given the fairly early developmental stage of the BARLEYmaxTM grain, resulted in a decision to wind up the company in 2005. [Music plays CSIRO logo and text appears: We asked CSIRO], [Image changes to outside Popina Food Services building. The fermentable fibre gap was (and remains) a major public health concern as well as a business opportunity for the Agri-food sector. With the switch from animal to human nutrition, and the appointment of Basil Hetzel as Chief of the redirected Division of Human Nutrition, research into fibre continued and several myths regarding fibre and human health were debunked. Pigs are an excellent model for human gut physiology, especially as the animals consume human foods in quantities eaten by people. Because these greens are the most alkaline food in the world, acid problems like heartburn and acid reflux begin to clear up. The discovery of a special type of fibre component called resistant starch led to a grain that battles disease. Step 4 -A range of prototype foods were made including bread, breakfast cereals, muffins and cookies. Skincare. BARLEYmax is high in fibre, particularly resistant starch. The consumption of highly refined, fibre-depleted, energy-dense foods has emerged as a dominant contributor to obesity and the increased risk of these conditions. Obesity, colorectal cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes are diseases of affluence and have replaced infectious diseases as the principal causes of premature death and disability in Australia. While resistant starch is fermented extensively by the large bowel bacteria, the resulting SCFA profile is particularly beneficial for health outcomes relative to other fibre sources. Barley crop growing near Adelaide, South Australia. Himalaya 292 seemed the perfect candidate as it produces a shrunken grain, suggesting possible changes in starch composition. Step 1 – was analysis of the composition of the new barley. Resistant starch mechanisms. Bully Max Food and Supplement combo pack — everything your dog needs to pack on muscle and boost health. In reality, these diseases are a global problem and have a common risk factor – the consumption of highly refined processed foods as the whole food chain becomes industrialised. Dietary fibre is an essential nutrient and is recognised as such by health agencies in Australia and many other countries. Plant Industry focussed their attention on genetics and breeding a superior barley grain, while Health Sciences and Nutrition looked for nutritional and clinical evidence to support the new barley grain. The disadvantage of amylopectin is that it is very slow to retrograde on cooling. In order to grow both domestically and internationally, the decision was made for BARLEYmax Enterprises Pty Ltd to undergo an IPO in 2015. We partner with small and large companies, government and industry in Australia and around the world. This phenomenon led to a major reappraisal by CSIRO during the 1970s and 80s of the way in which fibre is thought to act in non-ruminants including humans. However following the establishment of a collaboration between CSIRO’s David Topping and the University of Adelaide’s Dr Alan Snoswell in the late 1970s it became clear that there is more to the value of fibre than simple indigestibility. This is the Australian paradox of apparently high fibre consumption and high rates of colorectal cancer and other diseases. See: Our better for you BARLEYmax™ goes global. An opportunity to find new ingredients to fill the gap came from a meeting in 1998 at CSIRO Black Mountain between Drs Jim Peacock and Matthew Morell (Division of Plant Industry) and Tony Bird and David Topping (Division of Human Nutrition), to identify the possibilities for new value-added grains, especially ones high in resistant starch. Thus the need for new food ingredients is not simply to enhance short chain fatty acid production but to enhance the production of butyrate. Barley Plus Pty Ltd, which later became Ascentia, was officially established in 2001 to commercialize the BARLEYmax TM grain, initially in the Division of Plant Industry and later as part of the Food Futures Flagship. Barley Plus: The 28 … Through the CSIRO brand and their name, which is a very recognised brand in Australia, we believe that it's helped us, our brand enormously, we're a stronger business now and I have had a very good overall relationship with CSIRO and very happy to have worked with them and hopefully we'll continue to work very successfully with them into the future. "I have used BarleyMax for the last 10 years and find it the best supplement out there. Clearly, these are very valuable attributes and were achieved at relatively modest levels of consumption. Bird AR, Denton E, Lang T, Topping DL, 1999, PP2915 Food supplement. At the time of the above meeting Himalaya 292 was a research line only and had not been commercially grown for many years. Pilot animal trials showed that these raised large bowel SCFA significantly but it proved impractical to extract sufficient quantities for large scale production of new foods. Sorry, an error has occured, please try again. Conditions such as colorectal cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are the major causes of premature death and disability in affluent countries including Australia, the United States and Japan. In addition, the total savings in health system costs from increased dietary fibre intake are forecast at up to $17 million per year. When the scale of the opportunity was realised, Drs Morell and Peacock looked at each other and said How about Himalaya 292? There is another paradox ‘ that of the Africans whose dietary habits gave us the fibre hypothesis. BarleyMax® is a one-of-a-kind super food that helps build strong, healthy new cells in your body. The main challenge confronting Ascentia was that the BARLEYmaxTM grain was still at an early stage of development and required further research and breeding in terms of the commercial viability of producing the grain. While these organisational developments were occurring, the four step research program described above was pursued. It has been on sale in supermarkets in a variety of food products since 2009. Reducing the incidence of chronic disease through improved diet. Imported from New Zealand, Barley Max is made from pure, natural, and organic New Zealand barley. This is a form of ‘staling’ that has become almost unknown in Australia. [Source: The BARLEYmax Better Nutrition Report published by the BARLEYmax Joint Venture representing CSIRO and Australian Capital Ventures Ltd, July 2009]. The same was true for the residues from fruit juice extraction. Sourced from New Zealand; certified organic by BioGro, the leading organic certification body in New Zealand; contains vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and carotenoids; reduces the risk of coronary heart disease NET WEIGHT: 10 … These waste streams are high in fibre polysaccharides. Japan is a potentially lucrative market since it already has a barley culture. Provides the fuel for the body to rebuild from the cellular level. The path to commercialisation was quite long. People commonly take them for health-related reasons. While Popina Superfoods remains a key manufacturer for the BARLEYmaxTM cereal, the BARLEYmaxTM grain is now being licensed to other manufacturers including Plus Nutrition, Bodhi’s Bakehouse and SunRice. Share on Pinterest. Most commercial starches contain <30% amylose but some maize varieties are high in amylose starch through a genetic modification which increases amylose synthesis at the expense of amylopectin. The juice of barley grass contains beta carotene, vitamins B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12, pantothenic acid, and folic acid. The size of the gap for resistant starch is not certain but, assuming a requirement of 20 g/person/day and current intakes of 2-4 g/person/day, simple arithmetic shows that this equates to >1.4 million tonnes in Australia alone. Using traditional plant breeding techniques, CSIRO scientists have developed BARLEYmax®, a new type of barley with significant health benefits. An extensive program of experimental studies, including a number of human trials, showed that a range of foods produced with BARLEYmax™ as their key ingredient had a low glycemic index and also produced positive changes in a range of biomarkers of bowel health. The company BARLEYmax Enterprizes Pty Ltd has plans to expand internationally as do the manufacturers of BARLEYmax food products. CSIRO, Australia’s research organisation, took a strain of the Himalayan barley that we enjoy so much in Nepal and developed it using conventional breeding for Australian conditions. We asked CSIRO to more or less authenticate the type of products that we were making in terms of the health that we were offering our consumers and they've been able to do that. CSIRO approached Mr John Downes an Adelaide baker, to clarify whether he would be able to produce bread containing the BARLEYmaxTM grain. The fibre was present as soluble and insoluble non-starch polysaccharides as well as oligosaccharides and there was a significant level of sugars promising good consumer acceptance through taste. The complete, 100% natural, whole grain that contains twice the dietary fibre of regular grain. :  In order to get to the human trial phase, the grain had to be in an accessible and appealing form for human consumption. The potential value of improved health outcomes for Australians from widespread, regular consumption of BARLEYmax™ is estimated to be worth approximately $305 million per year due to its potential for lowering rates of Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer. The next key achievement for BARLEYmaxTM was establishing a major licensing arrangement with the brand Goodness Superfoods, manufactured by the Victorian-based company, Popina Foods, a Melbourne-based family-owned business established in 1983. The rich scent, vibrant colour and fresh taste of BarleyMax are living proof it's pure nutrition and health promoting power. The maximum limit is 2,000 mg a day. Popina established its own partnerships to further the path to market of the BARLEYmax grain. Handy and convenient to use anywhere and any time, Barley Max is a nutritional supplement imported from New Zealand made from pure, natural, and organic New Zealand barley. [Image of different muesli based food products on shelves appear on screen]. ( Now, if we are not able to ingest Vitamin C through fruits and vegetables, we can also get our daily dose from food supplements, especially Barley Max. The native Africans were at greater risk of infectious diseases but were almost free of what they called the diseases of civilisation. 120 capsules per month would mean taking 4 capsules per day. BARLEYmax has finally appeared in our food supply in the form of three new breakfast cereals, the first products to be made with the super barley. As David Topping remarked: ‘This idea of the Australian Paradox is getting traction – people are beginning to understand it. Luckily, Barley + provides a valuable mix of dietary fibre types all together in the one whole grain, and Barley + can also contribute significantly to your total daily dietary fibre intake. The new barley (becoming known as BARLEYmax) performed outstandingly and raised large bowel short chain fatty acids as anticipated with a substantial increase in butyrate over the other diets. BARLEYmax™ is now licensed to a CSIRO spin-off company, The Healthy Grain . This led the CSIRO team to suspect that SCFA were the mediators of the beneficial effects of fibre on gut health. Despite this, gut health including colorectal cancer is poor. Barleymax supplements are made with 100% pure, organically certified barley, alfalfa grass juice powder. Arnold May from Popina Foods explains how he's bringing BARLEYmax grain to your table. Barley Plus Pty Ltd, which later became Ascentia, was officially established in 2001 to commercialize the BARLEYmaxTM grain, initially in the Division of Plant Industry and later as part of the Food Futures Flagship. Snoswell was interested in the way sheep used the products of rumen bacterial fibre fermentation. This project is part of the VizbiPlus initiative [], which is partially funded by an Inspiring Australia grant from the Australian Government. These include the expansion of the BARLEYmaxTM concept into South Africa, North America and Europe. As David Topping recalled: ‘The bowel health trials succeeded beyond our expectations with excellent acceptance by the volunteers and high levels of faecal short chain fatty acids, especially butyrate. Barley Max NZ 500mg Capsule | Organic Barley Grass Powder from New Zealand Barley Max is pure organic barley grass powder, placed in vegetable capsules, making it easier to digest. Common dietary supplements include vitamins and minerals (such as vitamin C or a multivitamin), botanicals (herbs and plant products, such as St. John’s wort), and substances that come from a … Dietary supplements are widely available in health food stores, grocery stores, pharmacies, on the Internet, and by mail. Better health for Australians, greater benefits for farmers. Nutritional trials with Hi-maize® showed that it was very effective in raising large bowel butyrate in humans and a range of consumer foods were launched using it as a selling point. There is also a potential move to export the manufactured product into international markets. A variety of flavors are available in many different supply sizes to suit your lifestyle and needs! Apparent fibre consumption is high by international standards yet gut health including high rates of colorectal cancer, is poor ‘ the so-called ‘Australian paradox’. Shop Optimum Nutrition Barley Max NZ Food Supplement | Organic Barley Grass from New Zealand (10x3 grams). Popina Foods on working with us Obesity alone cost Australian society and governments over $8.6 billion in 2011-12, while in 2005 the cost of diabetes was $10.6 billion. The situation in Australia is rather different where apparent fibre consumption is high by international standards. The physicians saw the clear differences in diet between the two groups. The supplement comes from a well-known company and the main ingredients involved are nutritious with documented health benefits. Arnold May from Popina Foods explains how he's bringing BARLEYmax grain to your table. The latter is a very large, highly branched polymer which gelatinizes readily on heating with water. Austgrains had been established in 1971 to capture the rising trend of the healthier consumer opting for premium products offering superior nutritional benefits and was partly owned by Washington H Soul Pattinson and Company Limited. BARLEYmax TM BARLEYmax is a novel barley grain developed in Australia by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) using traditional cereal breeding methods. The effect was so quick and strong that it supplanted the use of laxatives at the nursing home and news of this may have contributed to the community acceptance of cereal grain fibres and the increase in consumption. Obesity, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer are the leading causes of preventable death. . One particular barley grain emerged from research as having higher fibre content and enhanced nutritional benefits compared with regular barley. Available at Coles & Independent Supermarkets Nationwide. Heritable (ie genetic) factors appear to be a relatively minor component of risk given the rapid appearance of the diseases of affluence in diverse countries undergoing the transition from traditional food patterns to industrialised ones. Investment for the company was provided by Australian Capital Ventures Ltd (ACVL), and CSIRO with Dr Jim Peacock as Chairman. Batey I, Morell M, Topping DL, 2001, PCT/WO02/37955/A1 Barley plant with high amylose starch . Barley + Muesli provides ~13.4 g total fibre/serve and a Barley + Muesli Bar provides ~8.9 g total fibre/serve. A collaborative nutritional study (in pigs) with the HJ Heinz company showed that canned baked (navy) beans had sufficient fermentable substrate to double their effective fibre content. BARLEYmax is high in fibre, particularly resistant starch. Barley Max is a perfect supplement in the market from Hallelujah Diet which is known for boosting the digestive and absorptive health of the users globally. The visible impact lies in the range of processed foods made with it on sale in supermarkets, some of which have the CSIRO logo on the packet. These discrepancies led to a major reappraisal in the way in which fibre is thought to act in non-ruminants, the discovery of resistant starch and the importance of its bacterial fermentation products, short chain fatty acids. Increased wholegrain intake has been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers, heart disease, diabetes, stroke and even help with weight control. While progress had been made on the development of the BARLEYmaxTM grain pre-spinout, a significant component of the development, breeding and clinical substantiation surrounding the BARLEYmaxTM product was conducted post-spinout and required considerable financial resources to be targeted toward product testing. Barley is also a rich source of B vitamins, including niacin, thiamin, and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). Further studies confirmed that BARLEYmax® foods have a low glycaemic index. Minerals present include potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium. [Music plays and CSIRO logo appears with the text: Big ideas start here]. Amazing ingredients a simple change to make pure nutrition and health promoting power super food that helps build,... Bully Max food and supplement combo pack — everything your dog needs pack. 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