Editor-in-Chief: Ruth C. Carlos, MD, MS. View editorial board. Radiology is a peer-reviewed monthly journal published by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and its first edition was issued in September 1923 1.. Its current editor is David A Bluemke.. Impact factor. Traditional structured reports though are often not tailored to the appropriate clinical situation, are generic, and can be overly constraining. This article has not yet been cited by articles in journals that are participating in Crossref Cited-by Linking. Submit your article Guide for Authors. Contextual template for multiple sclerosis follow-up. Interdisciplinary radiology journal Launched in September 2019, Radiology: Imaging Cancer focuses on cancer screening, differential diagnosis and treatment planning. About. Medicaid is a federal and state cofunded program for those with limited financial resources.23 There are 3 basic types of private health insurance plans in the United States: Health Maintenance Organizations, Preferred Provider Organizations, and Point of Service Plans, which combine Health Maintenance and Preferred Provider Organization features.24, In 2015, the United States spent $3.2 trillion on total health care, roughly $9994 per capita. Download PDFs Export citations. We also observed a unique advantage of contextual reporting with normal or near-normal study findings, in that the template can be quickly signed. Submit your article; Latest issue All issues. A and B, Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted images show a right palatine tumor (long arrow) encasing the right internal carotid artery (short arrow), while C shows a right level II node (arrow) on coronal contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted imaging. 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Contextual structured reports for fetal MR brain imaging consist of 3 main areas: fetal positioning, biometry, and brain parenchyma (On-line Fig 1). The explanation of less expensive care and longer outpatient procedure wait times is complex, though perhaps due to a less adverse malpractice climate in Canada compared with the United States. Many of the items can be quickly selected through pick list options, which is an inherent advantage of structured reporting. 18(1), 18(2). The default values within each template field were established when each template was created. Correcting for the population difference between the United States and Canada, the CT use/1000 Canadians is 31 (19.8% of 156.6 all CT procedures/1000 Canadians) versus 96.4 neurologic CT procedures/1000 Americans (Table 6). Am J Interv Radiol 2018, 2(17) 1. All Canadians have provincial government health insurance. Volume 37, Issue 4 Pages A1-A6, e1-e6, 217-274 (December 2018) Download full issue. Am J Interv Radiol 2018, 2(12) 1-4. Canada spent $170 billion (US dollars), approximately $4734 (in US dollars) per capita, a little more than half that of the United States. In the event of a major fetal anomaly, these findings can be added to the corresponding field. Radiology Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. Corresponding author: Kyung Won Kim, MD, PhD, Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, 88 Olympic-ro 43-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul 05505, Korea. With the exceptions of cardiac CT and CT colonography, Canadian radiologists are paid on a fee-for-service basis. Abstract | Related ... 2018. These natural language-processing techniques could permit data extraction to populate national registries and aid research.36,37 Furthermore, contextual reports could also potentially be the framework for computer-generated reports if machine learning can reliably interpret certain radiologic examinations. Year: 2016. Contextual reporting will remind the user to look at all described entities regardless of whether 1 finding is already identified. CT head contextual templates included the following: acute injury/ischemia, sinus, temporal bone, preoperative cochlear implant, CT angiogram head/neck, and CT venogram. In the event that these items are not well evaluated on the interpreting MR imaging, review of prior imaging can usually provide confirmation, if available. This increased speed is likely because all the major items are discussed within the contextual template, thereby limiting actual dictation. California legislated a $250,000 cap on noneconomic damages and fostered the low professional liability insurance rate for radiology. We made the following contextual adult brain MR imaging templates: routine brain, stroke/TIA, headache, epilepsy, sella, orbits, cranial nerves III-IV-VI, cranial nerve VII, hearing loss, vestibular schwannoma follow-up, cholesteatoma, skull base, paranasal sinus, and temporomandibular joints. Sixty-five percent of surveyed radiologists favored the contextual reports, while 24% were neutral and 11% were dissatisfied. Articles & Issues. Journal Name American Journal of Oral Medicine and Radiology. In our study, the referring providers' satisfaction was greater than radiologists' satisfaction, which has also been witnessed in other publications.8,31⇓–33 One of these publications surveyed 265 academic radiologists from the United States, and only 60% were satisfied with structured reports, whereas 27% were neutral and 13% were dissatisfied.32 We suspect that some of our radiologists were not in favor of the contextual reports because they were also not in favor of report standardization: Approximately one-third of respondents did not favor report standardization, and one-third did not favor the contextual reports. Because contextual reports are disease-specific and structured, common data elements can be gathered from the reports so that computers can read and understand the content. Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals Thank you for your interest in spreading the word on American Journal of Neuroradiology. Another limitation is when a patient has 2 disease entities, making it difficult to choose which contextual template to follow. In the United States, except for the Veterans Administration and large government-owned hospitals, manufacturers and providers negotiate imaging equipment costs directly with the hospitals and facilities.52, The variation in the volume of advanced imaging procedures in Canada and the United States is marked (Tables 3 and 4). 1 ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ –5 Structured reporting has many advantages over traditional free-text, narrative reporting, including improved consistency, increased clarity, decreased grammar and speech recognition errors, increased ability to mine data for research, … RSS | open access RSS. Search in this journal. In 2013, the radiology workforce in the United States was 8.14 radiologists per 100,000 with 25,730 radiologists serving a total United States population of 320.9 million. A downloadable Powerscribe 360 file can be accessed here (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AlPUmfAXPzjkMFcHf7vGKF4Q-vIdpflT) and is compatible with versions 3.5 and 4.0. Supports open access. Many examinations in neuroradiology are performed for routine conditions such as stroke CT, low back pain, and cervical radiculopathy. Contextual MR imaging neck templates included neck pain/swelling, cancer follow-up, and Horner syndrome. In fact, the instructing radiologist can teach trainees a systematic diagnostic approach to such cases with the template viewed in tandem with the imaging (Fig 6 and On-line Figs 3 and 4). Abstract | Related Articles | References Full Text View Pdf Download Pdf . Articles & Issues. Contextual reporting and our article have limitations. Breast Imaging. A, Axial T2-weighted image of the brain shows fused corpus striata (arrows) and bifrontal band heterotopia (arrowheads). You’re seeing our new journal sites and we’d like your opinion, please send feedback. Editorial Full text access Bruce J. Hillman, MD, Founding Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American College of Radiology 2004-2018 Value of a contextual template for neck cancer. ASER members receive the journal as a benefit of Membership. Fetal neuroimaging naturally poses unique items for the radiologist to inspect and report that are different from those in postnatal imaging. Professional liability insurance costs differ between Canada and the United States. There are 274 different managed Medicaid plans, each with distinct coverage policies and reimbursement.22 In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the bill that led to Medicare and Medicaid. This issue is occurring with an increasing demand to meet longstanding indications as well as new clinical applications (eg, breast MR imaging and CT colonography) driven by a growing and aging population. As a final note, initially, contextual templates were created for each of the neck cancer sites; however, given the various presentations of each tumor and the several structures potentially involved in each case, the templates were found to be constraining and time-consuming to report. Contextual structured reporting has only been applied to a handful of diseases, including pancreatic cancer, pulmonary embolism, pediatric Crohn disease, prostate cancer, rectal cancer, infertility, and interstitial lung disease.11,15⇓⇓⇓⇓–20 To the authors' knowledge, contextual templates for multiple sclerosis, thyroid imaging, and head trauma are the only contextual structured reports developed within neuroimaging.21⇓–23 The purpose of this article was to create a library of 50 contextual structured reports for neuroradiologists and emphasize their clinical value over noncontextual structured reporting through the use of selective imaging examples. This method will also educate trainees on reporting. 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