Through him everyone who believes is justified from everything you could not be justified from by the law of Moses. No, youre assuming Im assuming that Catholic Answer is stupid and that my friend is presumptious. We had considered installing blog software that would support comments, but I do not have the time to monitor such a feature to begin with, and unlike Catholic Answers, which has a multi-million dollar budget and a staff at least six or more times larger than our own, the only other staff person does not have time to mess with it either. Matthew, Appeals to emotion dont suit you well. Enough of this nonsense. The instrument of healing that God chose was to direct Moses to mount a bronze serpent on a pole. Ill stick with Satan is laughing is tail off watching Christians fight each other over a domain name.. pro-Catholics. I saw what I saw in the scriptures, I saw the theology that arose from that, I saw the devotional, spiritual growth that flowed from that, and saw in the checkered history of the church with all her saints that theology and teaching relected again and again. About the why of forwarding of a website named james r white to catholic .com: The church body that revealed the divine canon to us was the Councils. But I have read the Bible quite a lot. Status:TRANSFER PROHIBITED When one happens upon a URL that leads direcrtly to Catholic Answers, what is one to assume? Took some great Zoom calls today discussing the vine and the branches in John 15, MBTS, the Great Tradition, and Thomas (took a long time on this one), and then the Trinity, the Cross, inseparable operations, etc. Please give a specific example. We should err on the side of mercy and leave the justice to Him. The 1914 Chronology of Jehovahs Witnesses, Does God Forgive the Unrepentant? I admire your courage. To do a thorough job would take time far beyond this combox and as I am not a sociologist of humor, I would certainly want to consult Christie Davies in England (he is not Catholic, so there could be no charge of bias), because he is a sociologist of humor and would have a better handle on that aspect of things. My posts have said it. I suppose I should brush up on my regulations though, that or Mr. Akin should deal with the issues. The most commonly cited example is Peter, but I would suggest another example. What Does a Christian Need to Know About Islam? Are you saying it is over your head? judgment by virtue of his humor on some of the blogging Catholics who have contacted him about what they perceive as a lack of charity (and his humor is doing this or could be taken Does an OSASer lose salvation when he converts to Presbyterianism? Alpha Tau Omega. It was obvious from the start. So what were the Crusades and the Inquisition about, then? Instead of addressing any of my comments, you go and reel off a series of questions that you say is from Whites site. Maybe he repents but you dont know it. Tech Postal Code:92517 As far as the actual issue at work (come on, ignore the silly pictures), White is a real nitpicker. But I dont think it *hurts* anyone to debate apologetics in this thread, Mr. Spock. Now that Ive been nice enough to answer your question, could you return the courtesy and answer mine? And don't buy into the nonsense from any pastor or Bible college (e.g., Moody Bible To quote White, yet again; ;^). Why doesnt he do that in debates? Was all of this just a bunch of show and now all the air got let out of the tires? 2. James White is an unstable individual. For fair disclosure, I am Catholic, but humor research is an international affair and I interact with scholars of many faiths. James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. Why not just say, God did it, since to attribute Gods work to mans work is unbiblical. But if it is legitimate to say that God used the distinctive personalities and historical circumstances of these figures to communicate his truth, then something can be both 100% Gods doing and human beings cooperate. If you are going to consider White calling a man a bald-faced lair a real issue. I think that the tempers on this discussion have gotten far out of hand, and thats very, very bad. Box 37106 You may get a chance to ask your questions at a more pertinent time on this blog and get a more reasoned and complete answer. If you were Catholic, Id tell you to go to confession. like this. We have improved your image to the point you really think that you would handle things differently than your medieval forebears. In his commentary on St. John, in Ch 16, he says this: Here is a man, White, who sought and received doctoral credentials from an institution that is not regionally accredited and has none of the attributes one associates with excellence in theological research. Oh, and Im still waiting for your proof that Jimmy Akin was aware of the blog post you were kvetching about. Benigne dicis. In that post, Jimmy links to So anyone who tries to portray critics of the Lordship Salvation both Roman and Islamic Asked for prayer for Dennis Pillay and his wife in South Africa as end-of-life issues confront them, that God would give comfort and strength. As sacralists, they could not conceive of God sanctioning anything or anyone outside the well-defined contours of the divinely created socio-political entity known as Israel. The onus is on YOU to prove it. Heh Every day someone new stands up wild-eyed and excited that they finally figured it out. Director of Alpha & Omega Ministries. Its Akins Law that includes comparisons with Islamists. A. Oh yeah, by the way: Yet another illustration, nay a shining example of how Whites supporters start from their bias always, always slamming Catholics without considering that there might, just might possibly be an alternate explanation. that, to the weak, I became weak Dr. White, even should he think that Catholics are merely unredeemed fallen human beings, in order not to give scandal to his own ministry, That would be mundane. He has participated in outreach to various religious organizations nationwide and has even engaged in public debate against Atheism. Esau there was a BIG burst of the nasty spam, and it was most of the links in the little recent post sidebar. examine the logical dependencies. Perhaps he can use this not as a tit for tat, but as a chance to expand. Thats all very interesting, and Im sure God knows whos winning the ad hominem war, but it bores me to tears and I have no time for it. but white really isnt proving anything I certainly havent, and dont intend to. The interlocutors then indicate (with varying degrees of politeness and charity) that theyd prefer not to have a substantive discussion if its going to include that kind of personal unpleasantness. ie urging one another to fully live the gospel in every aspect of our life. Thanks for your above post. Fully understandable! foxfier, I hope that helps. Do any of you really know anything about humor or about theology and humor or about humor reception? Isnt that a littleobsessive? White endorses using the modern Anonymous who I gather is Eric, So, Eric, you think its just a problem with the medium when hes willing to accuse someone of being a liar, then imply that those who take offense are the same as murderous terror-supporters? Much the same goes for the combox debates. Once we realize that it is Scripture, not mans knowledge of the canon, that is inspired, and that canon (infallible) exists perfectly in Gods mind, we can see the clarity and knowledge of canon (mediated) is not dependent upon human beings, councils, churches, or anything else in the world, but instead upon Gods purposes in giving us the inspired Scriptures in the first placedoes it not follow that God will both providentially preserve the Scriptures and lead His people to a functional, sufficient knowledge of the canon so as to fufill His purposes in inspiring them? One does not do a stand-up comedy routine to a group of nuns where one dirty joke is told after another and expect it to be perceived as funny. then we can deal with it Weve already engaged that, in the only way possible. Acts 4:10-12 A quote for the ages. Then James White shows up. The no name is me. When we do what we can to share it with you, you call us mean. I wonder if civility would be improved if we more folks posted under their real names. This is a very vague, generalized statement. I appears to me that Dr. White is simply a bit challenged by Dr. Beckwiths return to the Catholic Church and has let his emotion get the best of him. issue! Mr. Akin calling Mr. White on the carpet for inappropriate conduct is not the same as the inappropriate conduct. I might agree with some points he makes, but theyre overwhelmed by the mudslinging. There is NO reason for a White disciple to point anyone to Catholic Answers, let alone build up some elaborate hoax to discredit the Catholics here. By that logic, I have a relationship of some form with Mr. Spock Ive been a fan for years, and have put up posts about him. Therefore, there will be that many fewer OSAS Protestants and the likelihood that they will perish in Hell for not accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior (as per the normative forms of the OSAS). A more accurate statement is the actions of everyone here make you ashamed to be a Christian. Whites parting shots are: However, when non-White followers came into the channel, he would insult them, insinuate things like I am getting out my gun as if to shoot at people, then kick and ban them and then say see, I proved them wrong. Thats his method. The Prayer of Joseph Maybe well get a little agreement in there as well from time to time. If that mantle fell from the Germans onto another race it would be a welcome respite As for the basics of human psychology, I agree that White is more interested in asserting truth than he is in whether it may offend someone who needs to hear it. Ah, you are looking the wrong way. Im ignoring the facts He who abides in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing. I myself found the pictures amusing, much like I find monkeys flinging feces amusing. John D. Yet, where is the logic in his argument: There are Catholic apologists I admire for other aspects who also have manifested sharp tempers like me. It has a nice rounded look, so it can just as easily fit on your shoulder as it can on your wrist. There must be some bug in the water in Reformed country. Dave Armstrong wasnt stoned to death for doing that. Its out to confuse you! Z est X. Posted by: Jerry | Aug 10, 2007 6:37:05 AM It means he knew of the site, and knew of White. John 6 I fully deny that we are a mob of homicidal murders. New Testament Reliability -Can you trust the Bible? Rhetoric and emotionalism on both sides. Here is the context of my comment in my Aug. 11, 11:15 pm post: Gary, Whites assertions HAVE been interacted with. If he did it intentionally, that would make him a liar. did anyone see the White/Pacwa debatejust look at the debates with Pacwa Well if wikipedia says itit must be true. Can somebody say LAWSUIT??? Why should sound DO that? Not all Muslims are terrorists, no matter how much you presume them to be. If you want to find the exact situation, go to Chapter 5, though I doubt many, if any, of you own the book. Phoenix, AZ 85069 Inocencio Yeah, heh heh! Whites supporters are either unable or unwilling to participate in a serious discussion. The Calvinist Club, Sola Scriptura, Purgatory, Purgatory: 1 Corinthians 3 and Tim Staples, Art Sippo on 1 Corinthians 3 and Purgatory, Called to Cyprian Responding to Anders Historical Error, The Audio for the Marian Dogmas Debate has been Posted, Top Ten Reasons NOT to Join the Roman Catholic Church. King List 3. I point out the way. We do not deserve the ridicule of White like bad men deserve punishment. Mike, Ive used gallows humor myself. Look beyond the theater. (Wonder if he knows that logic has developed since Aristotelian logic? If were going to play that game though, please prove to me James White was aware that the pictures would yield said results and that he didnt post them in jest, as on that premise rests all the argument of your wolf criers and alarm monkies. Mr Akin should debate Mr White and quit hiding behind excuses. I guess were all waiting for something Now I of course dont know him personally so my observations are exactly that. So its slander first and ask questions later. In the beginning God created heaven, and earth. Admin Phone:+1.9512424988 a critical similarity between Catholic authoritarianism and Islamic authoritarianism. I have been reading these anti-protestant posts and have been unwilling to dive into the murk, because all I am seeing are hundreds of little barbs, some less well disguised than others, directed at the person, character, intellect, education, motivation, etc., of one non-Catholic guy. He is not functioning as a rational agent on this topic. While there has indeed been sharp and/or snarky comments from both sides, Whites supporters are either unable or unwilling to participate in a serious discussion. The Lord turned his life upside down at that time and filled his heart with a passion to end abortion and rescue preborn babies. Sandy, Short answer, because Christ Himself gave the Church authority. especially since Rome says there wasnt a definitive list of authentic scriptures If people want to continue these largely pointless discussions, can they at the very least Catholics and Protestants be charitable. This is DISHONEST folks! James White does not. Sometimes, when an issue is so big, its hopeless to carve it up into little soundbytes or hastily posted zingers. The numerous innuendos .and other non-substantive attacks on White posted here and elsewhere do not reflect an effort to love, only to discredit. Which is it? Simply Amazing. thread, it would be ridiculous for Catholic Answers to go to the extent of purchasing a domain name as just to trick the visitors into visiting since (1) it can appear as a negative point against these folks (2) it places too much importance on the likes of James White. One does not have to (nor should one) bow to the masses in matters of faith, but this attempt at humor is a matter of the expression of a state of mind and one does have to bow to the prevailing sensibilities, here, as in all polite discourse. Tech Organization:to attn. This is one reason why I do not post in comboxes: its too much of an occasion of sin for me. St. Peter and St. John confimed the newly baptized in Samaria. 3. Moreso, the things you, a child in Christ, say on this message board almost make me ashamed to call myself Christian. I dont need to read everything hes written about every topic in order to engage in discussion about a single topic. Perhaps the example of the schoolyard bully whos parents can never admit their little Johny could ever do anything wrong would have been less offensive but the point would be the same. Ignoring the thrust of an argument and drawing attention to a minor point is an important asset in the practice! [14][15], White often engages in public debate, having participated in more than 170 public moderated debates,[16][17] covering topics such as Calvinism, Roman Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, Infant baptism[18] the King James Only movement, Jehovah's Witnesses, and atheism. It was supposed to be a hypothetical, as follows (changes in bold): A person who does this whether correct or mistaken loves me, cares about me, and wants to help me grow closer to Jesus Christ. Living word. wayne We are all searching for Gods way, and all who are RC, OC, or Protestant know that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, but we all seem to have a different understanding of how to live that promise. Islamists are the Nazis of the post-9/11 world, and thus anyone who depicts his debate opponents as Islamists automatically loses whatever debate was underway due to forfeiture. Sorry. The comparison was made between those who are asking for a charitable attitude from Mr. White, yet do not display it themselves. We call it the sufficiency of Scripture as the Divine Revelation of God. Alpha & Omega Ministries 2.7K views Streamed 9 years ago Sermons and Teachings Play all Dr. James White, The Gospel, and Suffering Apologia Studios 40K views7 years ago Full Interview:. Yes! It also doesnt say we have to forgive one who does not repent. The Eucharist, Sola Scriptura and Tradition, Proclaiming the Gospel of Grace in Salt Lake. Bob: I dont appreciate the namecalling and I will not engage in discussion who does such an inappropriate and vile thing. discipleship. Ignore my above complaint. As for my knowledge (or lack of it, which I freely admit) giving me standing to pronounce a critical similarity between Catholic authoritarianism and Islamic authoritarianism, it really doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out the epistemological loop you both employ to assert your authority. Finally I see now the ruse!!! The Story of the Book of Kings[15] As I dont feel like quoting the rest of the chapter, I am safe in resting my case here. A few things. as being authors of particular books? (He certainly hasnt directly revealed it me through personal revelation.) A coloured floral tattoo like this one may just be what you need to add vibrance to your skin. Since this is going nowhere, Im outta here. Thats the last time I even bother reading these comments. 3. You have not even adduced any other body, let alone any evidence that it was indeed that body and not the Councils. According to you, Carebear was proclaiming someones innocence. Stubble the last White post. Did I get this right. The two actions are neccesarily linked in fulfilling the one purpose of God. Registrant Ive been defending the posting of these pictures.. But I would ask you to consider, carefully, what you say. Hey, I know how you can tell if youve made a *really* good response! comes ONLY by the imputed righteousness of God in response to one's faith in My bad for thinking Elivs is dead, the Loch Ness Monster is a fairlytale, and that James White and co. didnt buy up that domain name and redirect it to Catholic Answers. 18:18) So there were disagreements. Glorious Lord. In fact, I got a chuckle out of them. new corrupted Bible versions May our merciful Lord spare us from the test. I am sorry for my tone. So the balls in your court. Ergo, accepting that the church had canon revealed to it and accepting the Bible as it is, is no longer bending a knee to the Tradition of Rome, but rather to the revelation of God to His people. and D.Min. The guys at Doctrine & Life are great. Don Imus intended his racist comment about nappy-headed h*s as a joke. 2. 877-753-3341 (US Callers Only). Name above all names That alone should be enough to appease some people but as of this writing, the pictures are still there. Genuine Gospel of Our Lord. Jesus or Paul? The Reformers werent reforming against Trent. It would strain credibility to brag on one hand how your faith does not require membership in a given church or denomination (or non-denomination as they are called nowadays) and then come up with a definite list of denominations where your future children would not be saved, should they be raised there. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof. If this were 500 years ago, Id be getting tied to the stake right about now I bet, and thats part of the hilarity of those pictures. Care to address my point or hide behind post counts? As I see it, the analogy was spot on. well let me just say, your doing fine in that department already. In the Catholic Church is fulfilled the prophecy of Malachy: From the rising of the sun to the going down, my name is great among the Gentiles, and in every place there is sacrifice, and there is offered to my name a clean oblation; for my name is great among the Gentiles, saith the Lord of Hosts (Mal. Since you have probably never heard of me, as you do not, as far as I know, have a scholarly interest in humor, you can check out my research on the web (google my last name and the word, humor). Mr. Akin, It was Christ Himself, and no one else, Who chose His Apostles and disciples, and commanded them to teach His doctrines to all the world. You still havent said anything that hasnt already been said. It is an effective way to shut down all communication with your opponents though. mind to mean a change of lifestyle. Case in point, consider the Bill, right on the button. Admin Country:US This is a very vague, generalized statement. In the old days, saying really offensive and stupid things to someone might get you decked. No, YOU are the one who indulged conspiracies and claimed that it was done to discredit Catholics. Late have you come in this debate that has raged over the past decade or so. Im sorry, but no. Books of Chronicles And why am I not surprised?? 2. I wont mention what else I think you actually are, out of good manners & Christian charity. Read Esaus response verses, without the filter of thinking that the Catholic Church and its members are seeking glory. He is an accomplished debater, having engaged in more than one hundred seventy-five moderated, public debates with leading proponents of Roman Catholicism, Islam, Jehovahs Witnesses, and Mormonism, as well as critics such as Bart Ehrman, John Dominic Crossan, Marcus Borg, and John Shelby Spong. Not surprised? more accurate statement is the director of Alpha and Omega,... 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